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ABOUT Ceelomon

I was born in Allentown Pennsylvania on November 19th, 1988.  We moved to Michigan a year later.  I lived in Coldwater, MI for nearly 14 years going and graduated from Coldwater High School.

I grew up like most westernized children.  I attended church every Sunday.  I loved playing Nintendo.  I loved playing sports, but there was something that seemed to be different about me. I loved to express myself.

I have wrote and deleted about five different stories in this "About Me" section.  What is it about me that I feel I should tell you?  How would this benefit you?

I would often pray to God and ask to hear his voice or to be shown proof that he existed.  No answer in a loud fatherly voice ever came but I still had this ultimate intuition that there was an ultimate force behind the universe and everything in it.

I have been blessed with a deep connection to the Source of All Things.  Though this world once existed in seperation with Om Shanti, I agreed to never let this connection go.  Since birth I have spoken with angels and recognized that I had Psychic gifts.  

These gifts were not nurtured and were eventually forgotten until I had a seemingly random panic attack.  I suddenly realized everything that I had long forgotten.

I ended up traveling to Mt. Edlora in Nederland, Colorado by myself shortly after this panic attack.  I recorded my trip and intended to turn it into a movement.  I was calling it, "Project Bring Me to Life" and I put together a few videos and posted them on Youtube.


I was hitch-hiking my way to a place I had never been with no real idea why I was going there.  There was some sort of mysterious drive that was fueling me.   The point came when I realized that I hadn't had any water or even eaten for a few days and began to get really dizzy.

Then out of the blue a man called Eric found me and led me to the top of Eldora Mountain.  I find deep peace and healing from the mountain.  Just a month prior I was at home sitting on the computer wondering what it would be like to be on top of a mountain in Colorado.  Now that I was actually in that moment, it took my breath away.  

Literally because the hike up took most of the energy that I had left and also because the beauty and the vastness of the mountain range.  My heart had always called for an epic adventure and this was exactly what I had needed to reawaken. 

I felt the need to broadcast my soul journey to the rest of the world and the way I did that was a video series I put on YouTube I called "Project Bring Me To Life".  Though I only had a low quality digital camera I had gotten a few years earlier.


Divine Guidance

Project Bring Me to Life

Before I left for the mountain, I wrote a short story about how I was feeling at that moment.  This is what was written:

"I know one-hundred percent, from the bottom of my heart that this trip me and hopefully others will embark on, will be the most important times of our lives. It's going to change our lives. Including anyone who is willing to listen and watch with us.This trip, this wake up call, is being called Project Bring Me to Life. 

Welcome, to Project Bring Me to Life. 

This country, this world that we live in is completely wrong. Our priorities have been mislead, misjudged, misplaced. We're collecting objects, ones we don't even need to live, as if those are what we cherish most in life. Instead, it should be collecting friendships, memories and love. Not Ipods, cell phones, or computers.


When I was a kid, a younger kid, I had no idea what life was really about. I grew up thinking money would bring me happiness and fulfillment, I no longer think that. I grew up wanting to be famous and dreaming about everyone in the world knowing my name. I no longer dream or need that. I grew up being fed lies, saying the more power you have in life, the happier you'll be. I no longer eat lies, instead feeding my soul with a healthy diet of truth.

Welcome to Project Bring me to Life.

I am just beginning to learn the universal truth about what life should be about. I'm going to tell you, it's not about making millions of dollars or about being the leader of a country who talks more about Charlie Sheen, than about people who have a positive influence in society and do good for the world. 

If you feel trapped in a life where you wake up and wonder, "What the hell am I doing?" or "What kind of world am I living in?" You are NOT alone. Project Bring Me to Life is here to help set you free from your brainwashed lives. For a few months, I and whoever wishes to join me, will leave everything I thought I needed behind and set off on an expedition focusing on what really matters in our lives. 

I am going to explore Earth's true beauty and see the life God himself has given this planet. Money, lies, drama, and worries be damned.

Welcome to Project Bring Me to Life.

The most important part of this trip is not about me, it's about all of you. Everyone watching. Project Bring Me to Life is for all people who are trapped in their lives of fake happiness. This will help set you free.

I'm going to share the whole trip, the insight and knowledge I get from it here at­fe. Anyone who wishes to help and or tag along in this trip for however long you wish, will be gladly accepted. God has given me the perfect opportunity to help anyone willing to listen.

If just one person is helped with this trip, everything is worth it. You don't have to accept a life you don't want. Everyone is equal and it's damn time we believe it. 

Welcome, my friends, to Project Bring Me to Life.

"To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival." Wendell Berry"


The Mountains are Calling

The trip to Eldora Mountain was thrilling to say the least.  I decided after three days of being on top of the mountain that it was time to return home.  Three days of healing and it was time to re-integrate into the routine again.  

I ended up returning to the same two jobs that I quit to go on the journey.  It was comfortable getting back into a routine, but I was left with an even deeper desire to travel and explore the world we have inherited.  My first journey was from May in 2011 until  August of that same year.  It wasn't until just over a year later that I was ready for my next Epic Adventure.  


After the Mountains

Mt. Manataka

I was at work one day at a retirement home in Bridgman, MI fantasizing about my next great adventure and a window popped up on the computer for a huge gathering of Ancient Tribes from around the world including the Mayans and Aztecs.

This is what the flyer said, "On October 20, 2012, thousands of people will join hands, hearts and minds on TOP of the Hot Springs Mountain, a traditional indigenous sacred site known as Manataka. In fulfillment of prophesy, people will come from all walks of life, races and religions to create a circle of love, prayer and Awakening.

The Moment will be sanctified in time with the creation of a holy vibration that by the grace of God and through the Holy Spirit, a global emotional and spiritual awakening will occur that is essential to human connection of Spirit and Mother Earth. The Moment will create a mass consciousness and give birth to a "light that will spread to many lands." " 


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